Identifying Different Types of Natural Healing Methods

Excluding regular medicine, the various types of natural healing includes all types of methods that contribute essentially to good health.

Now, the common and more popular ones are:

And this is naming just a few.

Still, natural healing can be classified into five major domains of practice: alternative medical systems, mind-body techniques, biologically based therapies, body-based therapies, and energy therapies and under each category, one will be able to find some common natural healing methods as indicated.

*Alternative Medical Systems:

-Traditional Chinese Medicine

Mind-Body Techniques

-Relaxation Techniques
-Guided Imagery

Biologically Based Therapies

-Herbal Medicine
-Orthomolecular Medicine

Body-Based Therapies

-Massage Therapy
-Postural Reeducation



-Bioelectromagnetic-based Therapies
-Therapeutic Touch

So there you have it, the various forms of popular natural healing methods categorized under their parent categories.

At this point, it is safe to say that the plethora of choices does depict that indeed all of these methods are quite popular and documented statistics are showing that they are all indeed more or less effective, so suffice it to say one may be missing out by not looking into the several options.

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