Sexual Dysfunction And You MEN!!!

The majority of adults can recall times in their lives when they were troubled with low desire or problems with orgasms. Arousal difficulties increase with age. Sexual dysfunction may arise in the most well-adjusted and satisfied of couples. In 100 educated young couples Frank et al (1978) found that 50% of men had difficulties with erection, ejaculation or orgasm sometimes and 75% of women had problems with arousal or orgasm sometimes.

A minimum of information on sexual health and sexual disorders is necessary for every person. Especially because there are a lot of false and harmful ideas about it. Sometimes people even do not know what doctor they should apply to.

So what are sexual arousal disorders?

Sexual dysfunctions are disorders related to a particular phase of the sexual response cycle. For example, sexual dysfunctions include sexual desire disorders, sexual arousal disorders, orgasm disorders and others.

What are the causes of sexual disorders?

Many sexual arousal disorders are caused by striking poverty in the knowledge of anatomy and physiology. For example, sexual function weakens with the increase of years, and a man needs a longer foreplay for a more or less strong erection. A man who is not aware of this fact thinks that there is something wrong with his sexual health, panics and his sexual abilities indeed go down.
Very often the cause is lack of caress. Some people do not take into consideration their partners’ sexual preferences or simply do not know how to behave while making love, but accuse various diseases in their failures.

Not infrequently some psychologic factors, connected with a person’s sexual experience bring about sexual disorders. It can be, for example, fear of dissapointment or of being unskillfull, awkward or inexperienced.

The most frequent male sexual problem is erectile dysfunction (impotence), that is inability to have and mantain an erection necessary for intercourse.
One of the main impotence’s causes is decrease of testosterone production with the increase of years. According to some data, the amount of the hormones diminishes by circa 30-40 per cent in the period when a man is at the age between 48 and 70. Some scientists call the lowering of testosterone level male menopause or andropause.
Often (up to a quater of all cases) erectile dysfunction is caused by drugs that are taken for other diseases’ treatment and narcotics as well. The most harmful are anabolic steroids and antiandrogen medicines that contain estrogens. These drugs affect sexual health and weaken sexual desire and erection. Some other medicines also can affect erection, but their influence is not so strong. These are some diuretics, most antidepressants, some tranquilizers and other medicines. Men who take these drugs should be careful and inform their doctors about all abnormalities they observe.
Some men are very ashamed of discussing such problems with anyone and their unwillingness to visit a doctor prevents the latter from making the right diagnosis and prescribing possible successfull treatment.

Some men begin to take hormonal medications that are not only ineffective but moreover can provoke prostate cancer. Since only doctor can find out the cause of erectile dysfunction, you should apply only to him.

If the doctor does not reveal any organic defects in the patient (the main index for young men is morning erection, if penis is hard in the morning than this man’s disorder is nonorhganic). The most important thing is to get rid of anxiety and fear that aggravate the problem. Remember that the more efforts a man makes the more often he fails.
That is why sexologists begin the treatment with a temporary ban on sex life and redirect the partners’ attention from erection to other ways to please to each other.

There is a special exercise that is called perceptible focus. Partners must learn to focus their erotic perception on different parts of the body and not only on genitals. A man and a woman learn to caress each other in such a way that they turn each other on without touching genitals and breast. The intercourse is forbidden, so the man does not worry about erection. After a few days of such exercises step by step involving breast and genitals, a man has erection without any additional efforts.
This game not only helps a man get rid of erectial dysfunction, but makes the couple’s relationship better as well. This treatment is 75 per cent successfull. Other cases require a more complex and long lasting psychoterapy.

Sometimes erection’s quality is improved with special erectors that are sold in sex shops. Though these devices help and are quite easy to use, a doctor’s control is necessary. Erectors make erection stronger but can affect ejaculation at the same time.
To cut a long story short, there is no panacea. If you feel that there is something wrong with your erection, do not say “what can I do? This is my age.” Do not apply to self-treatment. You should visit your doctor. He knows what to do.

Other category of male sexual problems is ejaculation dysfunction. Early ejaculation means that ejaculation occurs too quickly: before intercourse or at the very beginning of it. That deprives both partners of pleasure, especially the woman. The causes of this dysfunction are various. Some sexologists consider that early ejaculation is the result of a negative early sexual experience, when a man had to make love in a hurry without necessary conditions and intimate atmosphere. Others think that early ejaculation is characteristic of young men who are often too sensitive. Actually, that is the problem of men of any age and it can occur in any situation.

Usually people think that a man suffering from early ejaculation should relax and try to forget it. Actually, he needs quite the opposite – a deliberate self-control. There is a special exercise called “start-stop technique”: a partner- woman makes the penis erected and when she feels that the man is ready to ejaculate she stops caressing the penis and erection weakens. If the exercise is repeated over and over, a man learns to control ejaculation himself and to make the period preceeding it longer. That helps him to get rid of anxiety and fears. Sometimes early ejaculation is treated with antidepressant drugs. These drugs must not be taken without a doctor’s prescriprion. Besides many other complications, antidepressant drugs can delay ejaculation and at the same time weaken erection.

Delayed ejaculation can be met much more seldom. Ejaculation is considered to be delayed if a man cannot finish the intercourse with emission of seminal fluid into vagina. Delayed ejaculation can be the result of various diseases affecting nervous system, diabetes and others. But the most frequent causes are psychological ones: fear of impregnating, inability to relax, etc. The main method of delayed ejaculation treatment is gradual lowering of a person’s sensibiliity to the situations that make him nervous. It is possible in most cases. The most important thing is to believe you can struggle with all troubles that affect your sexual health and prevent you from happy sex life.

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Anonymous said...

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