Basic Facts About Child Sexual Abuse

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "TYPICAL" CHILD MOLESTER. Most molesters appear normal, hold responsible positions within the community, and are generally regarded as "model" citizens.

Nearly 85% of molesters are someone the child knows, loves, or trusts.

Current studies indicate that:
# 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before age 18.
approximately 14% of child molesters are female; approximately 86% are male.

# child sexual abuse occurs in all racial, ethnic, economic, and religious groups.

INCEST between parent or parent-figure and child or between siblings is the most prevalent and most harmful form of child sexual abuse.

Bribes, threats, affection, coercion, and/or manipulation are COMMON STRATEGIES used by abusers, rather than physical force, to sexually abuse children and to prevent them from revealing the abuse.

INDIVIDUALS WHO SEXUALLY ABUSE CHILDREN MAKE A CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO DO SO. The blame for the abuse belongs solely with the abuser, NOT THE CHILD. Child sexual abuse THRIVES ON SECRECY; therefore, if you know of, or suspect, the sexual abuse of a child, take IMMEDIATE steps to stop the abuse and protect the child. Since most abusers are REPEAT OFFENDERS, the reporting of an incident of child sexual abuse may help prevent other children from being victimized.

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