The Neuromuscular Disease, Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), also known as Ekbom's Syndrome, is a neurological disorder that affects up to ten per cent of the population at some point in their life.

RLS affects about 15% of Americans, and incidence increases with age. Women have a higher incidence of RLS than men, especially during the last months of pregnancy. The syndrome also appears to run in families.

Although the symptoms are distinctive, many people dismiss the feelings as muscle aches or restlessness, and do not suspect that they have RLS. Thus, RLS is frequently misdiagnosed and often left untreated, resulting in restlessness, insomnia, and daytime sleepiness.

Those Who Have It

For some, RLS is a mild disorder with occasional symptoms. For others, it is much more serious, causing chronic insomnia resulting in daytime fatigue that interferes significantly with everyday life. Said one victim: “I feel as if worms are creeping and crawling in my legs. I need to wiggle my legs to make the feelings go away.”

RLS affects both sexes and is most common and more severe in older people. Most often it is diagnosed in people in their 50’s, though often the symptoms appear decades earlier. Sometimes symptoms can be traced back to childhood. Often, though, RLS goes unrecognized in children. Because they can’t sit still or are constantly fidgeting, young people with RLS are frequently labeled as “hyperactive.”

Though experts recognize RLS to be a neurological disorder, its cause is difficult to pinpoint. In most of those who have it, the cause is unknown. RLS has, however, been linked to certain factors. For example, RLS runs in families, passing genetically from parents to their children. Some pregnant women experience RLS symptoms, especially during the last months of pregnancy. After delivery, the disorder usually disappears. Sometimes medical disorders, such as low iron levels or a lack of certain vitamins, trigger RLS discomfort. Chronic disease may also cause RLS symptoms—particularly kidney failure, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and peripheral neuropathy, damage to the nerves in the hands and the feet.

The Search for Relief

Sadly, there is no cure for RLS, and the symptoms often worsen over the years. However, the good news is that RLS can be treated effectively, often without drugs. There is no one solution; what works for one person may not work for another. Those who have it need to find what habits, activities, or medications either worsen the symptoms or improve them.

A first step in treatment is to decide if there is some correctable medical condition that is causing RLS symptoms. For those who have an iron or vitamin deficiency, supplementing the diet with iron or vitamin B12 may be all that is needed to relieve RLS symptoms. However, taking too many vitamins and minerals can endanger one’s health. Thus, a health-care provider should be involved in deciding whether a person should have iron or vitamin supplements.

In some people caffeine aggravates RLS symptoms. Coffee, tea, chocolate, and many soft drinks contain caffeine. Cutting back on caffeine or cutting it out may help to improve or eliminate RLS symptoms. Alcohol consumption too usually increases the span or intensity of symptoms. By reducing alcohol in the diet or eliminating it, some find relief.

Living With RLS

If you have RLS, life-style changes may help you. Since fatigue and drowsiness often make symptoms worse, a consistent sleep routine can be a real help. If possible, it’s best to have a sleeping environment that is quiet, cool, and comfortable. Going to bed at the same time every evening and waking up at the same time every morning also help.

A regular exercise program will help you get a good night’s sleep. However, vigorous exercise within the six hours before you go to bed may have the opposite effect. Some with RLS find that moderate exercise immediately before bedtime helps them sleep. Experiment with various exercises to discover what is best for you.

Don’t fight the urge to move. If you try to suppress movement, the symptoms usually worsen. Often the best solution is to get out of bed and move about. Some find a measure of relief in walking, stretching, bathing in hot or cold water, or massaging their legs. If you have to sit for a long time, such as when traveling, it may help if you keep your mind actively engaged in reading.

What about medication? The Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A., says that “the institution of pharmacologic [drug] therapy may become necessary.” Since there is no one medication that is effective for all who suffer from RLS, your health-care provider may need to find the one that works best for you. Some find that a combination of medications is most effective. Sometimes a medication that works for a while loses its effectiveness. Since taking drugs and especially combinations of drugs carries health risks, it is important to work closely with your health-care provider to determine what works best for you.

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1 comment:

Darrin said...

I have suffered from RLS since I was about thirteen, now I am forty two. First symptoms appeared around the time when I had my first caffeine in a cake my mother baked. I have tried to reduce my caffeine intake from time to time. Not really dedicated to this but I do think it is worth investigating further. I have had symptoms off and on but gradually the sensation and frequency increased as I get older. I liken the symptoms to a muscular capacitor where potential energy(as opposed to kinetic energy.) builds up in my legs. Mostly my quadriceps, but also sometimes in my biceps brachii.

I was at the point of getting out of bed 7-10 times at night and doing squats beside the bed for 3-5 minutes each. This would take a few hours and finally after 3-4 hours I would fall asleep. Sleep deprivation made the condition worse and although I am not suicidal, I did think there had to be some solution. My wife read about a study on RLS and I was quite shocked to hear about others who had similar symptoms A nurse that my wife worked with recommend a Neurologist at UT Southwestern Dallas and he had experience with RLS sufferers. I started taking Requip and had instant success in relieving the symptoms. I felt like a new man. I did have augmentation and eventually had to switch to Mirapex due to the increasing dosage I was having to take of the Requip. I sometimes switch between the two.

My symptoms get worse when my wife is home with me. I assume it is a nervousness or some subconscious desire to not disturb her sleep. I do have the symptoms often when she is not home, but more frequently when she is home. When traveling I will get some relief once in a while, but I have also had bad episodes when alone in hotels, too.

Exercise during the day has not effect on the symptoms at all, as far as I am concerned. I have ridden my bike till my legs felt like they were going to fall off and I still had symptoms. Same with skiing, I have skied aggressively during the day and will experience the symptoms at night.