The causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The causes of erectile dysfunction can be broadly classified into two principal categories, physiological and psychological causes. From these two, physiological factors are found to be the primary cause of erectile dysfunction. However physicians state that approximately eighty-five percent of erectile dysfunction is attributed to physiological/organic conditions while only fifteen percent is due to psychological or mixed origin (both psychological and organic). Moreover, there are some lifestyle factors which are also found to cause erectile dysfunction to a substantial degree.

Physiological Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Some of the prominent physiological causes responsible for erectile dysfunction in men are detailed below:

* Vascular diseases like arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hypercholestremia,
* Diabetes
* PrescriptionMedications

(i)Antihypertensives such as beta-blockers, diuretic medications and calcium channel blockers.


(iii)Antiandrogen medications used in the treatment of prostate cancer

(iv) Chemotherapy/radiation therapy used in the treatment of cancer
* Substance abuse like the chronic intake of marijuana, cocaine, alcohol e.t.c.
* Radical Pelvic Surgery
* Neurological Diseases
* Deficiencies in the Endocrine System
* Psychological Erectile Dysfunction
* Anatomical deviation of the penis

Psychological Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Even though physiological reasons account for most of the cases of erectile dysfunction, the role played by psychological causes in triggering off erectile dysfunction in men cannot be ruled out altogether. The effective functioning of a man's sexual life depends a lot on his mental well being and only when a man is mentally steady and fine, he is able to extract the maximum sexual satisfaction by physically uniting with his partner. There are a lot of factors that cause mental disturbance in a man and make him a victim of erectile dysfunction thereby ruining his sex life. The psychological causes that lead to erectile dysfunction are namely,

* anxiety with regard to one's sexual performance
* Indifference towards the existing sexual relationship between partners
* Stress caused by hectic lifestyle and other factors
* Serious depression on account of relationship failure, business loss and similar other setbacks
* low self esteem resulting from earlier episodes of unfulfilled sex

Lifestyle Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

A healthy lifestyle prevents the occurrence of erectile dysfunction or male impotence to a considerable extent but if men continue to indulge in harmful vices like smoking, drinking, drug usage et al, then sooner or later they are likely to become erectile dysfunction patients. Important facts concerning lifestyle causes and erectile dysfunction are placed below:

* Excessive alcohol intake may increase high blood pressure levels and induce erectile dysfunction.
* High levels of nicotine released in the blood on account of cigarette smoking and the smoking of other tobacco containing substances reduce blood flow to the penis and lead to erectile dysfunction.
* Apart from alcohol and tobacco containing products, the intake of marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy is also a primary cause of male impotence.
* Overweight men as well as people leading sedentary lifestyle are highly at risk of erectile dysfunction.

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