Drug-Slang Quiz Helps Parents Help Kids

Use of terms like 'fry stick' or 'schwagg' are clues youngsters are in trouble, experts say

If you're a parent, you might want to brush up on your drug slang to stay alert to possible drug use by your children, suggest addiction experts at the Menninger Clinic in Houston.

Slang terms for drugs constantly change and evolve, the researchers said. For example, while marijuana is still called weed or pot by some, it's also referred to by newer terms such as chronic or schwagg. Heroin is still be called smack but, depending on the type of heroin, it may also be called black tar or brown sugar.

Then there are terms such as Special K and biscuits. Special K refers to ketamine, a powerful hallucinogenic drug similar to LSD and PCP. A biscuit (or tab) is a hit of the "club drug" Ecstasy.

In order to test your knowledge of drug slang, here's a quiz created by the Menninger Clinic experts:

1. K-Hole is slang for: a) a type of ketamine; b) periods of ketamine-induced confusion.

2. The painkiller Oxycontin is also called: a) oxies; b) cotton.

3. Rophies is the nickname for: a) Rohypnol, the date rape drug; b) the rush you feel after using cocaine.

4. Fry sticks are: a) the act of injecting yourself with speed; b) marijuana cigarettes dipped in formaldehyde and sometimes laced with PCP.

5. Inhaling a small amount of cocaine is called a: a) bump; b) blip.

6. Combining the prescription drug Viagra with Ecstasy is called: a) 24-7 heaven; b) sextasy.

7. "Amped out" is: a) fatigue after using amphetamine; b)using the maximum amount of steroids your body can take.

8. Working Man's Cocaine is: a) crack cocaine; b) methamphetamine.

9. A marijuana cigarette rolled with cocaine is called a: a) primo; b) speedy.

10. "Juice" is the slang term for: a) steroids; b) PCP.

Here are the answers: 1 (b), 2 (b), 3 (a), 4 (b), 5 (a), 6 (b), 7 (a), 8 (b), 9 (a), 10 (both a or b).

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