Flu and flu jabs

Dr Roger Henderson, GP

What is flu?

Influenza is a highly contagious virus infection affecting the respiratory system.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms begin after an incubation period of one to four days and include:
  • a high temperature up to 390C (1030F)
  • headache
  • loss of appetite
  • muscular aches and pains
  • weakness
  • prostration.
Symptoms often continue for about a week unless there are complications, in which case new symptoms may commence in the second week.

How is it spread?

Flu viruses can be transmitted to your hands when covering the nose and mouth when sneezing. These can then be passed on to other people through shaking hands, so washing your hands regularly is an important preventative step.

Flu viruses are transmitted by coughing and sneezing. Droplets expelled from the mouth and nose can circulate in the atmosphere and reach the respiratory passages of other people. Transmission may also occur through skin contact, particularly through shaking hands as the viruses are even transmitted to the hands when covering the nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, and since the virus can live for a short period on the skin, frequent washing of the hands is an important preventive measure.

What viruses are responsible?

There are three main types of influenza virus, called A, B and C, although it is usually the type A virus that causes the worst epidemics. Type C influenza is mild to the extent that it is indistinguishable from a common cold. Type A influenza is usually more debilitating than type B.
How serious is it?

Nationally, some 13 million people are at increased risk of complications from flu, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Peaks of winter mortality are closely linked to the pattern of influenza activity and result in an estimated average of 12,000 deaths each year.

Who is most at risk?

The people most at risk are:
  • the elderly
  • those with chronic respiratory disease such as asthma and chronic bronchitis
  • those with chronic heart disease, chronic renal disease and diabetes mellitus
  • those with immunosuppression due to disease or treatment
  • people in long-stay residential and nursing homes.
What are the common complications?

Secondary infection with bacterial organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus can often cause middle ear infections and pneumonia. In vulnerable people death from haemorrhage within the lungs or septicaemia may occasionally occur.

Can you avoid it?

Living the life of a hermit would protect you, although being out of social contact for any length of time would reduce immunity to very low levels. In practice, keeping clear of people who are coughing and sneezing, and washing hands thoroughly can help, although immunization offers the best chance.


For typical symptoms the influenza sufferer should rest in bed in a warm, well-ventilated room. Painkillers such as paracetamol or aspirin can relieve aches and pains and reduce fever. Aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years of age, unless on the advise of a doctor. Plenty of fluids prevent dehydration and steam inhalations can have a soothing effect on the lungs. Anyone in the at-risk categories should let their doctor know as soon as symptoms develop, and anyone else who develops complications should do likewise. The antiviral drug Amantadine may reduce the severity of an attack if given within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms but this is not prescribed routinely by GPs. Antibiotics will be required if secondary bacterial infection ensues. The patient can get out of bed once the fever has abated and build their strength gradually.


Immunization against influenza is effective and safe. The World Health Organization recommends the vaccine strains by predicting those viruses most likely to cause outbreaks in any given year. UK studies show the vaccine reduces complications, cuts hospital admissions by up to 60 per cent and mortality by about 40 per cent, compared with matched controls. This year everyone aged 65 and over will be offered vaccination free of charge as will everybody in the at-risk categories, no matter what their age. A national publicity campaign has already been launched this year, and nearly 11.5 million doses of vaccine will be available for delivery through GP surgeries and health centres.

The Office for National Statistics has stated that the number of deaths due to flu in the winter of 2003 was the lowest for the last six years, which may be partly attributable to the flu vaccination programme. A spokesperson for the Centre for Communicable Diseases stated: 'The programme has been good for the elderly, but we will only be able to test it properly when we get a season of high flu activity.'

Are there any adverse reactions?

Contrary to popular belief, the flu vaccine cannot give you the flu, although it can protect you from it. Adverse reactions are rare and in nearly all cases, mild. People who are allergic to eggs and women who are pregnant should not be immunized.

Which flu viruses are in this year's vaccine?

Flu vaccine this year contains versions of three viruses, influenza A (New Caledonia type virus), influenza A (Moscow like virus) and influenza B (Sichuan like virus).

What about jabs at work?

Immunization is highly effective in preventing influenza in working adults. It reduces staff absenteeism and can reduce transmission of flu to vulnerable patients. Responsibility for occupational flu immunization rests with the employer who can provide it through the occupational health service funded by themselves for their staff. Vaccines for staff, however, should not be obtained at the expense of vaccines for the at-risk groups.

When should you call the doctor?

Young, fit, healthy people who are not in the at-risk groups can normally self-treat influenza without calling the doctor. However, the doctor should be notified if:

  • complications arise
  • or a high fever remains for more than 48 hours despite treatment
  • or the patient is in an at-risk group.

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